Apr 20

Stole a branch…

Okay, so part of the lockdown in Ireland is that we can go outside to exercise so long as we stay within 2km of home. And Fernhill is well inside that circle for us, so we go there to walk around somewhere that doesn’t have ceilings…

I mean, look at it, who wouldn’t go there? Calum even gets to chase squirrels. And they do the whole fairy-door-in-the-tree thing as well. Like this, only this is from the woods near Seafield hotel in Wicklow last year:

But Seafield has mushrooms and toadstools as well and Fernhill doesn’t:

Thing is, Fernhill had the tree surgeon in before the lockdown and they haven’t had a chance since to haul away all the logs…. so I stole one. Just picked it up and walked away with it. Probably getting some odd looks in the process. Certainly got some from Claire…

There is a plan, apart from a life of larceny and looting in a pandemic.

First off, hack off a lump of the branch while being annoyed I don’t have a bandsaw big enough for that job.

Next, stick it on the lathe…

Roughed out. I think it’s got some mild spalting in there.

Ah, the mess. Funny how nobody mentions this when telling you woodturning is fun. Also, say hi to the new air compressor. It picked a fun time to arrive 😀 Air hose hasn’t arrived yet though, so it’s dormant for now. And only a 6 litre capacity, so no impact wrenchs. It fits into the shed though, which is a major plus, and it’ll do grand for airbrushing and brad nailers.

Bit of carving with parting tools, bowl and spindle gouges and it’s time to sand. Until that 3D printing gets done, we’re on janky extraction setup for the dust. Works though.

Then BLO, a coat of button shellac and some beeswax and….

I reckon I can get three or four of these out of that log. Then we’ll take them back up to Fernhill and plant them beside the fairy doors. Feck ye Seafield, we’ve got toadstools too 😛

Apr 20

Lab rebuild…

Well, now that we’re all locked down at home, the lab/office had to get rebuilt a bit because otherwise two people can’t work from there. Also, this was probably the jankiest setup for a printer ever…

So that desk becomes Claire’s and all the stuff on it has to get repacked into a couple of crates…

I mean, it’s a little messy.
So a few full days of assembling Ikea furniture and repacking stuff into crates and boxes, and the desk is now emptied except for Claire’s plants and all the electronics and 3D printer…

And that’s the arts&crafts stuff on one shelf, the 3D printing stuff on another, the raspberry Pi boxes in one of the drawers and the printer needs to be put on feet still, but it’s not doing too badly right now. Plus, I finally got the PETG settings on the printer dialled in.

So some of the dust collection parts are printing, but that’ll take…. well, ages. 3D printing is not fast. Flexible and great for prototyping or emergencies; but not fast.

Mind you, that thinkpad needs to be retired so all the data on that has to come off and be transferred to the old games PC which has a lot more oomph, then it can go to the attic and the part of the desk behind the laptop is getting yanked out and I’ll make some shelves for there and claim a bit more desk back.

In the meantime, the tidying up turned up some hardware I’d forgotten I had 😀

Can’t believe I remembered the password…

And this was the mobile internet before the iPhone showed up 😀