Random present from the past
Bought on a kickstarter last year, and just arrived. It’s a bit niche, but if you know, you know đŸ˜€
… Read the restBought on a kickstarter last year, and just arrived. It’s a bit niche, but if you know, you know đŸ˜€
… Read the restThe sister’s birthday was today so made a bag.
It’s a slightly modified version of a @hahn_atelier design:
I made the D-ring attachments slightly different, used a different connection between gusset and front/back panels and added a shoulder pad to the strap. But also, lined it, with french edging around the edges and the internal seams lined as well.
The french edging was made a lot easier with the welt knife.
Made a prototype initially using flooring vinyl.
But the real thing was made using Oceano coloured Maremma leatherv from Tuscany (from Conceria Puccini I believe) sourced from Tatra Leather and using Vinymo thread. Been trying that thread for the last little while and I’m liking it. Got some from Etsy and ordered a kilometre or so of it after working with it for a bit.… Read the rest
Just keeping busy now.
And got a new tool. Well. I say new, it was made in the 1950s in Germany, but never bought. New old stock is the term I think.
It’s a welt knife. For cutting welts, obviously. What’s a welt?
The problem is trimming the welt without cutting into the upper leather. The solution was the welt knife – it’s got a blunt runner of sorts on one side of the blade, you run that along the upper and the blade cuts the welt and only the welt. Why do I want it? Because you need to do that for a french edge, where the lining of a piece is glued face-to-face to the outside, stitched, then folded over the top of the piece to the inside, glued again, and stitched again.… Read the rest