Was bound to happen sooner or later I guess.
So I was mucking around experimenting with some colouring on spalted beech:

Just picked a funny shape because I was experimenting with that as well. Then some yellow stain…

And then some royal blue…

Hm. Potential but maybe not. Sand it all off…

BTW, that’s why I picked this blank – that black line isn’t spalting, it’s a crack. Not sure if this would survive hollowing, so it’s a learning blank 😀
Now, purple…

Eh. Not quite. I mean, it’s okay, but I’d want it lighter. Maybe some gold embellishing wax (or buff-it, since that’s all I had to hand)…

I dunno. I don’t like it much. Too dark. If I’m going to colour wood, I want it to look brighter than that. Personal taste I guess, I always preferred lighter-coloured woods even without staining.
So, next day, I turned all the colour off and made it into a simpler shape, and laid down a few coats of royal blue and a little white to lift it and even a touch of yellow to give it some hue variation.

Still not wild about it, but it’s not terrible. So I hollowed it out and then took the round-nosed scraper to remove the worst of the toolmarks from the bowl gouge and the hollower…

…and I removed the bottom of the bowl as well as the tool marks. Structural toolmarks? Oh well. I guess I had to join the funnel club sooner or later, and at least it was a learning block 😀