Er, kindof anyway. My old Enovation desk just got showcased on Desked:
Er, kindof anyway. My old Enovation desk just got showcased on Desked:
This entry was posted on Monday, March 30th, 2009 at 23:29 and is filed under General. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a comment, or trackback from your own site.
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ash bandsaw beech bench crib dovetails hand tools nokia oak planes poplar resawing shed shellac stringing sycamore tools walnut Woodworking Workshop some local context, Cork and Kerry put together are 3 million acres and our National Parks and Wildlife Service had *two* rangers for both of them and the rest [...]
Y'know, we did history for the Inter cert and I passed the exams, I don't *need* to see a country act out the fall of the Weimar republic in real [...]
There you go, threatening us with a good time again [...] That's a thing to wake up to.#uspol [...]
Watching all these people organising town halls, rallies, protests, lawsuits and campaigns right now in the US against Trump and thinking "YOU HAD A VOTE AND STAYED HOME". Harris lost [...]
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mark Dennehy. Mark Dennehy said: @jmccrohan @duggan I've tried landscape: But I prefer the portrait mode by quite a margin: […]